Passionate About Insurance...

Passionate About Insurance…

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

'Big' Client Mentality Par for the Course? 

Many times I have been to insurance events or networking meetings where people talk about their 'big' client... "oh I took my 'big' client out for golf the other day' they would say, or at least something like that. I heard a similar story this week. So what is a 'big' client? To me the amount of premium a client pays doesn't necessarily mean that they are any bigger or need more attention than a client who might pay less for their insurances. Indeed some risks are extremely high risk but because they are a well managed company require less interaction than a lower risk case who might need assistance with their Health and Safety etcetera. So do I need to take the High Risk client to the Grove Golf / Spa resort and fob the lower risk client with a free pen and a voucher for pitch and putt? Of course not. 

It is important as an insurance broker to recognise the requirements of all clients and then to meet these requirements with relevant solutions. Some of these requirements might be obvious and easily solved and some might be hidden but just as essential. Sometimes the most challenging and interesting cases are the lowest of premiums but for me the knowledge that a client has their business properly protected is satisfaction enough. 

I would however point out that I am not disregarding the golf altogether and am happy to negotiate green fees (as long as I get to drive the buggy). 


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